Living in at Thailand this past month has challenged me more than nearly anything else in my life has. In the midst of sickness, changed plans, navigating different cultural norms, speaking a different language, and shocking realities, I’ve learned so much about myself and my weaknesses. That may sound more negative than positive, but it’s been the hugest blessing. The past month has taught me so much about hospitality; the power of community; and the importance of kindness, humility, and relationships. Without all the hard moments and difficult adjustments, I wouldn’t have learned nearly as much about myself, the world, and God- not to mention all the beautiful moments that became even sweeter amidst the challenges.
We moved into the house we’ll be living in for the duration of our stay here on Oct. 17th. It didn’t feel comfortable, clean, or fully ours for another week. I can’t express the amount of cleaning, packing up, and adjusting we had to do because of the state the house was in. That being said, this house is a blessing. It’s spacious enough to have groups of people over, was previously owned by a missionary family who dicipled people so wonderfully, and it came with appliances and amenities already here. Since our expectation was to move in that Thursday and get settled, the original shock of how dirty and cluttered the house was presented strong feelings of being overwhelmed.
As we grocery shopped that Thursday night, all the feelings hit. I couldn’t read any of the labels (being in Thai) and we didn’t know where to begin with the house, so naturally, I texted my mom saying- “I think this move in process will really teach me to rely on the Lord’s strength and contentment.” Nothing could’ve been truer. A day doesn’t go by where I manage to power through things by my own strength. Even my attitude towards my morning time reading my Bible changed. What was always an expected part of my routine and relationship with God was replaced by a deep, unmoving dependance and desire to spend time with Him. I praise God for the struggle that has brought me to this place of surrender and dependance.
However, I’m greatful to say- the house is clean! Only after 3 plumbers did the 3rd bathroom get fixed (there were a few days where we had 1 working toilet and shower in seperate bathrooms for 6 people), we only lost water for a day, and several lizards call our walls home too. Through it all, I’ve felt a peace about being here. Yes, it’s been hard. I had to sing worship while scrubbing the bugs off the walls in the kitchen because it was that nasty. Laboring together and cleaning for each other has been a beautiful reminder of this team’s heart for Jesus and desire to serve well.
Life recently: Our coordinator, Jill, headed back to the States this past Tuesday. It’s now our team’s job to do a “test run” of all the opportunities we have to serve here. We have opportunities to work in schools, teach at an education center, build relationships on the university campus our backyard opens onto, disciple believers, and work with Athletes in Action (AIA- a Cru ministry centered around using sports as a means to share the gospel). The next week or two will be full of us getting involved in each of these areas, then prayerfully building our schedule for the following weeks.
Last week, the AIA Thai staff took us to a National Park at the base of the mountains which was gorgeous! We visited the night Bazar, a large market one night, and frequently visit some smaller markets near us for dinner. We served at the Hosea Center, a Christian education center, where we were able to teach about the Trinity to kids who really hadn’t heard about the Holy Spirit. We visited a Buddhist temple in the mountains, an elephant cafe, and got a tour of North Chiang Mai University from some friends we’re making there.
I finally feel settled here in our home, and in Thailand in general. God is good. He is renewing me day by day and teaching me so much. I have several things I can’t wait to write about, so thank you for your patience with me as I collect my thoughts and find the time to write. Your prayers, support, and messages mean more than you’ll ever know.
Prayer Requests:
Wisdom as we create our schedule
Patience, peace, and flexibility as plans shift and change
For my heart: that I can open my ears and heart to what the Lord’s teaching me
For the staff we’re working with: some need more financial support, some have personal or family members with health issues- and yet they care for kids here so well
Daily joy and strength from the Lord
The kids we meet, teach, and get to be with