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One Week Down

I have never had such an engaging week of learning. I look forward to heading into HQ every day- regardless of whether we’re discussing budgeting and learning financial systems, visiting schools in the area to help lead Cru meetings, or learning from various staff members about growing as a team and individuals.

A quick recap: I’m growing more and more excited for the work we’re preparing to do overseas. Getting to laugh and live with my incredible team has been the BEST. The hours we spend at the office fly by because their company is so sweet. We’ve found plenty of time to make late night snack runs or play games when we’re not training.

A longer recap: Our days are long and full of both adventures and learning. Monday we shared our testimonies as a group and met with the budgeting team for our trip. On Tuesday we discussed how to approach sharing the gospel. Wednesday and Thursday were spent at local high schools, as well as learning how to use an app for leading Bible studies. Friday was my favorite :) We discussed discipleship, what living in the Spirit means, and how to study scripture. I walked away from this week feeling so encouraged while also challenged to reflect on how I want to grow in my faith and pursue Jesus this year. However, our lives aren’t limited to the work we’re doing with Cru. We’ve spent hours playing Dutch blitz, sharing videos and stories of our lives, cooking meals, buying grociers, and goofing off together. We tell people at HQ that they can find us if they simply follow the noise ;)

Godsends of the week: Seeing a stunning sunset at the end of our training week, our topic for training being exactly what I was reflecting on that morning, meeting individuals in the office in perfect ways, and sticky notes.

“Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever.” -Psalm 86:11-12

Prayer requests:

  • finalizing financial support for the team (Some of our team still needs to raise money- if you’d like to support me any excess can help them!)

  • That we can learn to be dependent on the Lord’s strength daily

  • For the Holy Spirit to move in the high schools Cru is working at

  • Fruitful conversations on the team and with people we meet


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